Sunday, February 21, 2010

Days 5 & 6

I skipped Saturday - busy day and some sickies to take care of, but I did Maximize - Back in Action on Sunday.  I'm liking that these dvds are only 30 minutes long, since I am limited on time.  Also did 100 crunches on Swiss Ball.  Jillian is kicking my butt.  I've gained a new appreciation for the Biggest Loser bunch.


  1. Hello!
    I have a blog as well, and when people don't comment, I feel like I'm talking to myself, so I figured I'd let you know people were reading. I'm pregnant with my first, and watching you work out after your second is very inspiring. Reading what you do helps me figure out what I should be doing after my little one is born. Best of luck to you, and when I'm not commenting, I'm definitely reading :)

  2. Thanks!!! Yea, it's nice to know there is someone out there! It's definitely a challenge to do, especially when
    1. You're tired.
    2. You have a gazillion things to do.
    3. You're tired.
    4. You want to spend time with your kids as much as possible.
    5. Did I mention you're tired?

    With only 1 kid, it's hard but A LOT easier. I found that going with our first born on a stroller was a piece of cake, if the weather was warm. When the weather gets cold, you get less motivated. Hopefully yours will be born during good weather. I'll have to stop by your blog and read it! Thanks for reading mine!

  3. Of course :) I had a question, by the way. What is there that is a safe/functional work out while pregnant? I walk to and from school everyday, but I live in CO and we've had a lot of ice, so I'm afraid to run, I own a wii but I doubt it's effectiveness.. etc. It's not even so much for the working out aspect, but I miss the endorphins and the adrenaline lol. I just figured since you are a mom and a former personal trainer, you might have some good ideas.

  4. Look, here's my take on exercising while pregnant (and if you ask doctor A, it will be different than doctor B and so forth). You're pregnant, not debilitated. While pregnant I did everything I was doing before but modified when needed. I even did aerobics classes, spinning classes, ran for a while (until it felt uncomfortable), did p90X, etc. I did nothing with my back on the floor, so I modified my crunches on a swiss ball, for instance. I limited my running, jumping and bouncing to slower and lower with LOTS of breaks. More water intake, more breaks, especially when tired, lightheaded, or overheated. For obvious reasons, nothing on your stomach. No weights heavier than 25 pounds. Nothing that involves an object that can come toward your stomach (like tennis) or make you lose your balance or fall (bike, skating, etc). And nothing potentially dangerous (skiing). Swimming is the best for you because your weight is gone in the water, and that helps the back.

    Most of all, listen to YOUR OWN body, and more than ever. Stop or alter when you just don't feel right. Err on the side of "safe." But you don't have to be limited to walking by any means. And a max 140 heart rate is a good suggestion most docs and books tell you, but every doc I've spoken to tells me that have to say that to cover their butts, but you can go higher (so don't freak out if you do). Just remember that if you do workout hard, you can feel flushed, lightheaded, dehydrated, and overheated much faster than when not pregnant. So beware and be careful. But work hard.

    I hope that helps.

  5. BTW, I used to live in COS
