Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weigh-in Wednesdays (week 2)

Starting Weight: 177.7
Week 2: 178.2 before workout (though I weighed 175.6 on Sunday) and 179.5 after workout (and drinking 24 ounces of water)
Weight lost/gain this week: +0.5 (gain)
Total weight loss: none (gain)
Weight left to lose: 48.2 (to reach 130)

Though I will do it every Wednesday, I don't like to use weight as a way to check progress.  I think a better way is to check measurements.  Weight can fluctuate a lot in a single day, depending on many factors (hormones, water intake, food, time of day, etc.).  And muscle weighs more than fat, and I'm building muscle.  Yes, I would love to get the scale to read lower, but I would much rather look and feel good and fit into my clothes.  And my clothes do feel like they fit a tiny bit better.

Just wait until Monthly Measurements at the end of each 4 weeks!


  1. I totally agree with you about weight. Even though I'm starting to lose, I feel like it doesn't reflect what I've really lost - which is inches. I wish I had taken my measurements before I started.

    Good for you for keeping on! It's hard work this getting in shape, but you seem to have the motivation to get it done. Which motivates me!

  2. I'm glad you think so and that it helps you. That's what it's all about - motivating and helping each other out! You can start measurements now and see how far you get from this point on. Thanks for reading!
